This model is one small section (the bathroom and kitchen area, to be precise) of the award-winning Wheatsheaf House by Melbourne architect Jesse Judd of
JLM Architects. It was a bit tricky to get the curves and angles right when constructing the model, I must admit - but worth it, definitely. This house is located outside Daylesford - main features include the beautiful and elegant use of steel and Colorbond cladding. How fantastically vivid are the interior colour palette! It creates an amazing contrast against, but somewhat also complements the dull surroundings that is the bush. If I remember correctly, this came out of the initial image/idea of a whale's rib cage (or some kind of rib cage ... shark?).
Indulge in some architecture porn:

(Images of Wheatsheaf House from Freshome.com)
Hey bro, yeah it was tricky coz the rest of the structure used balsa. So I used some pasteboard, cut them in the shape of the curve and voila.
In the original design, the curves are made up of several circles of a set diameter so that made it easier for us to figure it out :) Learned so much from making this.
used pasteboard to cut out curves?? how is that possible? that would be heaps useful to know how to! would have thought use foam core and slice it up into strips on one side thru the foam, leaving one sheet untouched holding everything together to make the curve. Except, still left with lines when do that....gotta see your thing live
gawd im tired
First you have to know that the C shapes and the straight beams attached to it were made separately. The beams were made of balsa, easy peasy. As for the C shapes, I cut out two Cs on a pasteboard, then using two extra pieces of pasteboard to join them together, so they form a steel hollow section. It's terribly hard to explain but if you want to I can draw a diagram for you.
I tried using the foamcore method, but it was a disaster, those things aren't built to be spliced! On the topic of foamcores, I like the black ones better :)