A bit busy with uni lately. Friday is my favourite day. We finish studio at noon and the rest of the day is mine. I usually wind down the week by having lunch in the sun with a good book. This afternoon was spent reading Thinking Architecture by Peter Zumthor. It is an incredible book - for me, the book and Zumthor's practice encapsulate the architecture that I want to be involved in, that gets me excited. The sensorial experience of a space, the journey, the atmosphere! Thinking Architecture is written in a very concise manner - every sentence means something. It takes me awhile just to get through a page, but it is a beautiful and rewarding experience reading the book. OK, I sound like I am in love with this book, and I admit it, I am indeed in love. I have just started reading it, but I can already feel it has the potential to be life-changing (or at least, a major turning point) - a bold statement, yes, but I stand by my words.

My favourite part from today's read:                                                                                                                "If a work of architecture consists of forms and contents that combine to create a strong fundamental mood powerful enough to affect us, it may possess the qualities of a work of art. This art has, however, nothing to do with interesting configurations or originality. It is concerned with insights and understanding, and above all with truth."
We have just begun our project for the semester at uni, so I will, without a doubt, try and translate the above statement into my work.


  1. Anonymous said...

    you own one?  

  2. zi xin wong said...

    Yes, it's a fantastic book to have around! It's the kind of book you'd want to pick up again and again. Definitely have a look out for it, Fira.  

  3. Anonymous said...

    where did u buy it and how much it cost you? I heard the price is rocketing high since he won the award...  

  4. zi xin wong said...

    I bought it at Borders in Malaysia. It's worth it, trust me!  


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